Month: March 2024

my reaserch about Choie Sew Hoy/vahaloka

  1. Who was he?

Choie Sew Hoy, is a well known Dunedin businessman.He was also a New Zealand merchant, and a chinese leader.He was born in a small village named Sha Kong in china. In the 1800s it was hard to live because people were poor and couldn’t find food, so Choice Sew Hoy traveled to the United states to find a better life,and retired. He found a nice woman named Soy May, and had four kids to be exact. 


  1. What Did He Accomplish?

 Choie Sew Hoy was responsible for two gold mines in      New Zealand, one in Otago and one in Nokomai, and was involved in a range of mining activities. Choie Sew Hoy, was a part of the gold rush that happened 1866. He  had an important role in introducing a new type of steam dredge that led to all the tourist attractions today.


  1. What happened to him after his death?.

      After Choie Sew Hoy’s death his remains stayed on  the boat along with the others on the ship. 


  1. What legacy did he leave behind?

    Choie sew hoys great grandson named choie bing sum cared on his legacy by continuing the cheong ching tong wich choie sew hoy created in 1875.






My reading about Choie Sew Hoy/ Vahaloka Kaloni

  1. Who was he
  2. Choie Sew Hoy, is a well known Dunedin businessman( leader) He was also a New Zealand merchant, and a chinese leader.He was born in a small village named Sha Kong in the poon yu district of guangdong province, china about 1838 He had the job of bringing the deceased or bodys back to their familys.


  1. What Did He Accomplish
  2. Choie Sew How was responsible for two gold mines in      New Zealand, one in Otago and one in Nokomai, and was involved in lots, or range of mining activities. Choie Sew Hoy, was a key figure in gold mining in New Zealand, also had an important role in introducing a  new type of steam dredge.


  1. What happened to him after his death.

      After Choie Sew Hoy’s death his remains stayed on the boat along with the others on the ship. 

         By Vahaloka Kaloni   



vahaloka Kaloni / my reaserch about Nelson Mandela)

Nelson Mandela was a former president of South Africa and an anti racism activist.  Anti racism means rebelling against the system where different races are treated unfairly. For example, White people had more rights and advantages. Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and won 250 others awards. 


Mandela was arrested and imprisoned on Robben Island Prison, off Cape Town for betraying the South African government laws by continuing to join the ANC even though the government banned anti-apartheid groups such as the ANC and for leaving the country illegally. He was released from prison 27 years later. 


In 2009 the United Nation made Mandela’s birthday into Nelson Mandela International Day. The holiday represents the importance of global activism and community service. 

Nelson Mandela died on December 5th 2013 and the whole world celebrated his life.

What Does Lent Mean To Me/ Vahaloka Kaloni)

some people think that lent is, you have to give up something for 40 days and to see the results, and then after you keep making the same habits and break the promise , well for me lent is something you have to give up but not for 40 days but for longer imaging the difference it would make if you had given up being lazy and and to stop eating junk,and stop watching technology i think there would be a big difference in your life.

Vahaloka kaloni/ The Zoo

this picture shows the life before the zoo, the black shows them depressed  because they have been in a zoo. for people a Zoo is a fun place to go because you get to see different animals but you don’t see the animals feelings, Some Zoos nowadays are kinda brought down, there are hardly any animals because we keep hunting and selling them to different place’s, but the point is, that we should try to look after our animals because we need them, animals have been here for millions of years, and the population is brought down because of us, because we like the food to make us happy.