Day: March 22, 2024

my reaserch about Choie Sew Hoy/vahaloka

  1. Who was he?

Choie Sew Hoy, is a well known Dunedin businessman.He was also a New Zealand merchant, and a chinese leader.He was born in a small village named Sha Kong in china. In the 1800s it was hard to live because people were poor and couldn’t find food, so Choice Sew Hoy traveled to the United states to find a better life,and retired. He found a nice woman named Soy May, and had four kids to be exact. 


  1. What Did He Accomplish?

 Choie Sew Hoy was responsible for two gold mines in      New Zealand, one in Otago and one in Nokomai, and was involved in a range of mining activities. Choie Sew Hoy, was a part of the gold rush that happened 1866. He  had an important role in introducing a new type of steam dredge that led to all the tourist attractions today.


  1. What happened to him after his death?.

      After Choie Sew Hoy’s death his remains stayed on  the boat along with the others on the ship. 


  1. What legacy did he leave behind?

    Choie sew hoys great grandson named choie bing sum cared on his legacy by continuing the cheong ching tong wich choie sew hoy created in 1875.